ZF English

20 biggest wind farms account for 70% of total capacity of the over 130 projects in development in Romania

Autor: Roxana Petrescu

08.09.2010, 00:02 13

The top 20 wind projects of Romania cumulate an over 2,400 MWcapacity, more than three reactors of Cernavodă nuclear powerstation, and account for around 70% in the total capacity of themore than 130 farms currently in a quite advanced stage ofdevelopment, with contracts for connection to electricity networksalready signed.

According to the data Transelectrica, the national electricitytransmission company, published in early August, 19 of the top 20major projects past the phase of connection contracts, are locatedin Dobrogea, in various localities of Tulcea or Constanţa, withjust one investor having chosen Galaţi to carry outinvestments.
Most of the 20 analysed projects were started by domesticcompanies, set up to the very end of developing wind energyprojects that should be sold to foreign investors once they reachan advanced stage. Thus, of the 20 projects, more than half weretaken over by large investors such as CEZ (the Czech Republic),Enel (Italy), Energias de Portugal, Iberdrola (Spain), Verbund(Austria) or RWE Innogy, the renewable energy arm of Germany'sRWE.