ZF English

Battle over the first mall in Cluj-Napoca

06.12.2005, 20:20 16

The battle for the construction of the first mall in the city of Cluj-Napoca is almost at its end, with the winner to be announced at the end of this week.

Iulius Group and South East Euromentor are the only companies to have filed a bid for the concession of a plot of land of almost 7 hectares, owned by Cluj-Napoca city hall.

The land is located in Parcul Est, in one of the older districts of Cluj, and the concession contract covers a 49-year duration period.

Originally, the task book was acquired by nine companies, but only the two firms submitted bids. The winner will be announced at the end of this week.

"The bid we''ve submitted to Cluj County Council is confidential, but, in principle, the construction of such a mall demands at least 45-50 million euros, also depending on how its urbanism plans look. The Cluj mall is supposed to cover some 50,000 square metres and include spaces for entertainment, shopping, restaurants, bars, 5 movie theatres, plus 1,500 parking lots. Its construction will take about two years," businessman Iulian Dascalu, the owner of Iulius Group, told Ziarul Financiar.

He says he will not give up the idea of building a mall in Cluj-Napoca, even if Cluj County Council does not accept the recently filed bid.

"In Transylvania, Cluj cannot be compared with any other city in terms of potential. The idea of constructing a mall in Cluj has been in the plans of our company for 2-3 years, and it''s high time we put it into practice. Next year we plan to develop at least two projects of this type, with Cluj as one of the targeted cities.

"We cannot unveil the name of the second city for the time being, but we will probably go southwards, to Galati, or maybe Constanta," explained Iulian Dascalu.

The second company fighting for the land being offered by Cluj County Council is South East Euromentor. Though owning just a small share in the company''s stock, Cluj businessman Arpad Paszkany is well acquainted with the plans regarding the future mall.

"The project will develop in three stages. The first stage is the construction of the mall itself, covering an area of 72,880 square metres and carrying a value of 68-73 million euros," Arpad Paszkany told Ziarul Financiar. He added that the commercial centre would consist of two three-storey buildings (ground floor plus two additional floors), joined together by two panoramic bridges, with the execution term standing at 18 months.

"Once the mall is ready, the second stage will start, the construction of some A-class office buildings above the commercial centre, including floors 3 to 8.

"The offices will be finalised in 18 months and a third stage will follow, involving the construction of three nine-storey blocks of flats (ground floor plus eight), and also including a student hostel," Paszkany stated.
