ZF English

Canadian group SNC-Lavalin takes over engineering company Romproiect

29.09.2008, 21:09 15

Canadian group SNC-Lavalin, with annual turnover worth 6.7 billion dollars, has taken over engineering company Romproiect, with turnover worth 2 million euros, and is to complete acquisition of similar firms. Representatives of the Canadian group have, however, not offered details on the value of the transactions. The two Romanian companies will provide SNC-Lavalin with a stronger position on the Romanian and Eastern European market, reveals a release of the group. "These two acquisitions are part of our strategy to develop our technical expertise and extend our geographical coverage onto regions with a significant growth potential," said Pierre Duhaime, executive vice-president of the group. SNC-Lavalin is currently conducting several projects in Romania and Europe (...).