ZF English

Entrepreneurs need to be in symbiosis with the market

06.05.2008, 20:03 12

When managing a business every new situation brings elements that an entrepreneur has to adapt to in order to survive and grow. An obstacle is nothing but an indication that something needs to be changed, and a new strategy implemented.
"The number of those who consider starting a business is much higher than the number of those who actually do so. It is financial reasons and psychological resistance that account for this factor," says Sofica Vasile, founder of the stationery and office supplies company M&S Viamond, set up in 1994, which posted around 200,000 euros in turnover in 2006.
Sofica Vasile believes that money can be a means, but never an end in life. According to her, financial resources should cater for one's own well being as well as for civic responsibilities, adding that she would like to be among Romania's millionaires in order to achieve this goal "If being a millionaire is the essential prerequisite to becoming a model citizen who is beneficial to society, then I definitely want to realise this," she specifies.
The freedom to make decisions, and financial freedom, are two differences between the status of an employer and an employee. "Another difference lies in the interest towards the company functioning well, which is the prime concern of the employer," explains Vasile. The employer coordinates the whole activity, while employees are responsible with their own sector of activity.
"I think relations between employers and employees should become stronger, so as to avoid relationships being abruptly terminated. This enables the employer to be a good team player, and the employee to be very dedicated to their activity", she explains.
Sofica Vasile added that the market is a live organism, and that the entrepreneur needs to be in perfect symbiosis with this organism in order to develop.
Her company's development strategy entails constant promotion of the products it launches on the Romanian market. New partnerships, that bring products for the first time to Romania, the concern for the company's image and visibility, have been the company's long-term growth factors.
"We introduced the first entirely recyclable office accessories onto the Romanian market," she adds.