ZF English

Eurolines eyeing internal tourism

21.03.2005, 00:00 10

Eurolines Nova Touring travel company this year expects about 25% higher turnover, foreseeing substantial growth in the domestic tourism demand, said Nicolae Lech, the executive manager of Eurolines.
"The information we have from our country offices shows that domestic tourism demand is poised for strong growth this year. We already have more contracts for the Romanian seaside than last year and we are counting on a 25-30% higher number of tourists to buy internal offers", said Lech.
Eurolines Nova Touring last year logged turnover worth 24 million euros, of which 17 million euros from international transportation and 7 million euros from tourism. Eurolines Nova Touring was set up in the wake of last year's acquisition of Nova Turism tour operator by Eurolines company, specialised in transportation by coach.
The company has 40 offices in Romania's main cities.
Last year, the number of tourists who spent their vacations on the Romanian seaside through Eurolines rose about three times as compared to 2003, getting to 10,000 persons.
In order to attract more tourists, the company has this year launched a programme offering discounts for bookings made in advance by tourists.
"Romanian tourists are used to late bookings and we want to push them to make earlier bookings, the more so as we can obtain discounts of over 10%", Lech also said. He added that in Western Europe bookings are made six months ahead of the trip.
Eurolines this year banks on 5-8% more tourism packages sold to foreigners coming to Romania and on a slightly higher number of Romanians going abroad. georgiana.stavarache@zf.ro