ZF English

Fiscal forms - a growth industry

02.06.2004, 00:00 11

Before becoming a source of revenue for the State by helping curb tax evasion, the new fiscal forms introduced as of early last year have benefited those that print them, such as Inform Lykos Romania, a branch of the Greek company under the same name.

The company, which makes business and fiscal forms, sold $20 million worth in 2003, over 50% more than in 2002. A new change of legislation this year is expected to result in additional revenue for the companies producing forms. Inform Lykos Romania's sales went up 26% in the first four months of this year, compared with the same time last year, amounting to more than $7 million, according to general manager Vicentiu Zorzolan.

"Our growth was largely due to the diversification of our services. The new 'total print management' concept made it possible for us to develop the business with both our already existing customers and with new ones," Zorzolan said.

Their total print management services include form design, printing and personalisation, as well as inventory management and logistics.

These services are chiefly tailored for major corporate clients like banks, insurance companies, telecom operators, public utility suppliers and distribution companies.

The company's business is expected to grow once the new procedures for personalising special forms are enforced on July 1.

Zorzolan estimates that Inform Lykos Romania will make sales of more than $28 million in 2004.

The Finance Ministry regulations stipulate that every original form will include printed information such as the company name, Trade Registry provided registration number, unique registration code, fiscal attribute, address where the company is registered, bank account number and the share capital.

"Inform Lykos has allocated significant resources for this project, and plans to open more than 150 offices through the country for its clients," Zorzolan said, adding there would be such an office in every county. Cost calculation has not yet been completed. This step is intended to facilitate access for fiscal agents and avoid the situation early last year, when people were crowding to buy the new fiscal forms.