ZF English

TotalSoft has 40m euros for expansion to Poland and Turkey

30.05.2010, 22:17 25

TotalSoft, a domestic software developer and a provider of ITservices for companies, is set to expand in Poland and Turkey thisyear through the acquisition of similar companies, for which it hasearmarked between 40 and 60m euros, according to Liviu Dragan,general manager of the company. "We chose Poland and Turkey asthey're witnessing growth. We set an expansion budget of 20-30meuros for each country," stated Dragan. He also said that in Junethe company would open an office in Warsaw, Poland, in the wake ofan over 100,000-euro investment. "We already have offices inBulgaria, in Sofia, in Greece, where we have 7 employees, and inSerbia. In June, we'll open one in Poland, Warsaw, as well," Dragansaid. At present, revenues generated from abroad account for 34% inthe company's total turnover and Dragan expects them to hit a 50%weight by 2014. The Bulgarian office was opened in April andinvestments will reach 300,000 euros by yearend, a sum set to beamortised through the new contracts sealed by December 2010,according to the company. TotalSoft, a company with 360 employees,expects turnover worth 24m euros this year, from 19.7m euros lastyear.