ZF English

Tricotaje Ineu sees turnover drop

02.04.2007, 18:49 33

The Arad-based underwear manufacturer Tricotaje Ineu estimates it will see an approximately 2.3 million-euro turnover this year, accounting for a 17% fall in financial indicators against 2005, as well as a 12% drop against 2006.
"We estimate a drop in this year's turnover, triggered mainly by the appreciation of the national currency and also by the increase in wages and in utility prices and by the difficulties in finding workforce - problems which also existed in 2006. We intend to continue producing underwear under contract for France and the UK, but we are not ruling out the possibility of selling our products on the domestic market in the future," Emilia Paciu, financial manager of Tricotaje Ineu, told ZF Transilvania. The company's turnover remains exclusively derived from exports.
The management intends to invest in acquiring new sewing machines this year, with a view to increasing productivity, as part of an investment plan that began in 2006.
Tricotaje Ineu is involved in all the steps of the manufacturing process of male, female and children's underwear. Production is operated under contract for Dim-Rosy in France, as well as for various companies in Austria.
"We aim to remain profitable after Romania's accession to the European Union, by additionally producing under contract for other firms in the European Union," Emilia Paciu added.
Tricotaje Ineu S.A. was set up in 1990, when the former "Ineu" division of Tricoul Rosu in Arad was privatised, with its main activity being the production of underwear under contract. The company's shareholders are Romanian individuals, with the number of employees currently standing at 720.