ZF English

What good has the Brand Council been if the country brand is so contested?

01.08.2010, 23:10 16

The heated dispute over the new country brand designed topromote tourism, and more importantly over the logo's authenticityhave not brought up the fact that both the slogan and its graphicshave been voted on by tens of Romanians, members of the authoritiesand private sector entrepreneurs, who were part of a Brand Council.The council was created precisely to allow for a more extensivedebate and for the involvement of the tourism and communicationindustry into the decision making.
The Brand Council, which included representatives of the Ministryof Culture, Economy, Foreign Affairs, Regional Development andTourism, as well as representatives of big Romanian travel agenciesand of the Hotel Industry Association, voted "by a wide majority"for the country brand logo that included a leaf, according toseveral participants at the council meetings.
"Over the span of two years there were a lot of meetings attendedby tens of people from ministries, local authorities, travelagencies, as well as by public figures involved in advertising. Inthe meeting in which the graphs and the slogan were presented, over20 proposals were voted on. There was a shortlist of six graphswith different fonts, and the graph that received the most voteswon," Corina Vin]an, general manager of strategic communicationagency Links Associates and consultant within Romania's BrandCouncil, told ZF.