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WirTek and ISDC to hire around 800 people in Cluj

25.04.2007, 19:13 37

Software producer WirTek and software & services producer ISDC say that they intend to hire approximately 800 further staff within the next three years for their centres in Cluj, with each of the two companies planning to end 2010 with around 500 employees.
For this year, Danish company WirTek, a software supplier for mobile phones, says that it intends to double the number of employees at its Romanian office from a staff of 35 to 70.
"Double growth is our minimum target, although we may see an even bigger increase. We do not want to get an influx of hundreds of people at once, but want to expand gradually, so that everyone in our team gains the necessary skills," Dan Koblicska, human resource manager at WirTek Romania, said in an interview with ZF Transilvania.
The Danish company plans for its Romanian branch to have 500 employees by the end of 2010.
WirTek was launched on the Romanian market in June last year, when it acquired Codewizards, a small company based in Cluj. WirTek currently owns three centres, two in Denmark and one in Romania, but, according to company officials, a new centre is planned to open in Germany by the end of this year. WirTek management expects its Cluj-based office to become a production and development centre.
Representatives of ISDC, a provider of services for the IT industry, have stated their intention of reaching a total of 500 employees by 2010.
Around 450 of the recruited staff will be employed in Romania, with the remainder being employed in Holland. The Cluj-based company currently employs 120 people, but according to the company management, the number of employees could reach a total of 180 people by the end of this year.
"I don't think we will have trouble finding adequate employees, although in our field there is currently pressure on the labour market. However, we think young people looking for employment have a greater interest in companies offering a professional development plan, rather than those merely offering short term financial advantages," Marcel Anghel, manager of ISDC Romania, told ZF Transilvania.