ZF English

Record exports in January: 3.4bn euros

Autor: Alexandra Chelu, Mediafax

14.03.2011, 23:25 16

Romania's trade deficit fell 60% in January againstthe first month of last year, to 186.2 million euros, as a resultof a much more significant rise of exports against that of imports,according to data from the National Statistics Institute(INS).

The trade deficit amountedto 795.1 million lei in January, down by 1.178 billion lei comparedwith January of last year.

Exports amounted to 14.59billion lei (3.4 billion euros) in January, with imports totalling15.39 billion lei (3.6 billion euros). Compared with January 2010,exports surged 51.8% in lei (47.8% in euros), while imports went up32.8% in lei (29.4% in euro).

Exports were 3.3% higher inlei against December last year (3.9% higher in euros), and importsfell 12.3% in lei (11.8% in euros).

The difference between therate calculated in lei and the one calculated in euros was theresult of the depreciation of the Romanian currency by 2.9% inJanuary 2011 against January 2010.