
După 30 de ani de lipsă de investiţii, cum va atrage România peste 10 mld. euro pentru energie? Aflaţi la ZF Power Summit 2022, 22-24 februarie

După 30 de ani de lipsă de investiţii, cum va atrage...

Autor: Roxana Petrescu

14.02.2022, 09:00 366

România are în următorii ani o oportu­nitate unică pentru moder­ni­zarea sectorului energetic local, fi­nan­­ţări europene de peste 10 mld. euro putând fi injectate în acest domeniu strategic. După 30 de ani de lipsă de investiţii, care au transformat Ro­mânia în importator net de energie şi au generat o criză fără precedent a forţei de muncă înalt specializată, atragerea acestor bani şi punerea lor la lucru este aproape o obligaţie. Va reuşi România să o îndeplinească?

Dan Dragoş Drăgan, secretar de stat în Ministerul Energiei, Elena Popescu, membru al comitetului de investiţii pentru România în cadrul Fondu­lui de Modenizare, Lăcră­mioara Diaconu-Pinţea, membru în directoratul CE Oltenia, Corneliu Bodea, preşedintele Centrului Român al Energiei, sau Mihai Drăghici, director în cadrul EY, vin la ZF Power Summit 2022 pentru a discuta cum poate profita România de şansa imensă de investiţii pe care o are în următorul deceniu.

ZF Power Summit, cel mai important eveniment al platformei de informaţii ZF, ajunge anul acesta la cea de-a 11-a ediţie, complexitatea contextului în care se desfăşoară dezbaterile determinându-ne, pentru prima dată, să extindem durata evenimentului la 3 zile de dialog, în perioada 22-24 februarie.

Lansat în 2012, ZF Power Summit s-a transformat într-una dintre cele mai credibile platforme de discuţii dedicată în exclusivitate industriei energetice, reuşind an de an să adune în jurul temelor propuse elita sectorului care ţine o întreagă economie în mişcare.

Anul acesta, mai mult ca niciodată, evenimentul se va concentra, alături de invitaţii săi, să identifice direcţiile necesare astfel încât oportunităţile aduse de tranziţia energetică să devină instrumente pentru relansarea unui sector aflat acum în tensiune maximă.

Cu o structură hibrid, cu paneluri care vor aduce laolaltă perspectiva specialiştilor internaţionali, a autorităţilor europene şi locale şi a liderilor români şi regionali, ZF Power Summit 2022 are misiunea de a răspunde unei întrebări cheie: deceniul care va schimba energia în România începe acum. Care sunt direcţiile care pot relansa un sector strategic?


ZF Power Summit 2022

The decade that will change Romania’s energy starts now: Which is the road to follow?

22-24 February

Grand Marriott Hotel, Bucharest


Day one, Tuesday, 22nd February

How will the record energy prices impact the energy transition?


09:00-09:15 Opening speech from the hosts Cristian Hostiuc, editor in chief Ziarul Financiar, Roxana Petrescu, senior editor Ziarul Financiar

09:15-09:45 One on One with Virgil Popescu, the minister of energy

One year into the energy transition and Romania is facing unprecedented challenges because of the high energy prices. What needs to be done to unlock investments?


09:45-10:15 One on one with Eric Stab, president & CEO ENGIE Romania


10:15 – 10:45 One on One with Christina Verchere, CEO OMV Petrom


10:45-11:00 One on One with Carlo Pignoloni, CEO & Country Manager Enel Romania


11:00-12:30 Energy price debate: Is the free energy market just a concept or valid business model? How do we keep the economy running with record high prices?

Zoltan Nagy Bege, vice-president ANRE (tbc)

Duarte Bello, Chief Operating Officer of Europe & Brazil and Executive Director at EDP Renováveis

Bogdan Badea, chairman of the board, Hidroelectrica

Ondrej Safar, CEO CEZ Romania

Volker Raffel, CEO E.ON Romania

Theodor Livinschi, vicepresident ACCER (Asociaţia Companiilor Consumatoare de Energie din România)

Victor Ionescu, general manager OPCOM (tbc)

12:30-13:00 – The specialists’ corner with Oana Ijdelea, managing partener IJDELEA & Asociaţii: First new gas from the Black Sea. What’s next?

13:00-13:20 One on one with Camelia Ene, Country Chairman & CEO MOL România

13:20-13:50 Energizing BVB: How will the economy benefit from the listing of Hidroelectrica

Johan Meyer, portofolio manager, Fondul Proprietatea

Radu Hanga, president of the board of directors, BVB

Mark Davis, director regional Romania & Bulgaria, EBRD (tbc)

Andreea Pipernea, CEO NN Pensii (tbc)

13:50-14:10 - The specialists’ corner with Bondoc şi Asociaţii

14:10-14:30 One on one with Barna TÁNCZOS, Minister of Environment (tbc)

14:30 – 15:30 CO2 debate: Is carbon the public enemy number one on the energy agenda or it just got bad PR?

Florentina Manea, general manager, Carbon & Energy Management

Nicoleta Datcu, counsellor Ministry of Environment, responsible for Climate Change and EU ETS (tbc)

Alexandra Dudu, leader of the carbon capture and storage scientific group, GeoEcoMar


15:30 Closing remarks


Day 2, Wednesday, 23rd February

What’s the ideal mix for the energy transition and which are the financing opportunities?


*The agenda is built on the Eastern European Time (UTC/GMT+2)


08:50-09:00 Opening speech from the hosts Cristian Hostiuc, editor in chief Ziarul Financiar, Roxana Petrescu, senior editor Ziarul Financiar


09:00-09:30 One on one with Christian Kettel-Thomsen, Vice-President, European Investment Bank

The European Investment Bank is the lending arm of the European Union. The multilateral financial institution is one of the largest providers of climate finance. Where will it place its money and how can Romania benefit from this unique opportunity?

09:30 – 10:00 The specialists’ corner powered by NNDKP: Regulatory updates and legal challenges towards the energy transition.

10:00 – 11:00 The money debate: The Romanian power system has more than 10 bn. Euros available for the energy transition. How do we make the most of it?

Dan Dragos Dragan, State Secretary, Ministry of Energy

Elena Popescu, Investment Committee Member, Modernisation Fund – Romania

Lacramioara Diaconu Pintea, member of the board, CE Oltenia

Corneliu Bodea, president, Romanian Energy Center

Mihai Draghici, Director, Business Consulting, Energy South Cluster Leader CESA, EY

Radu Mustaţă, Sales Director, Marsh România

Stefan Gadola, founder EnergoBit (tbc)


11:00-12:30 The green energy debate: Romania’s biggest construction site is about to begin. Which is the potential and what challenges are the investors facing?

Gabriel Andronache, general manager Transelectrica (tbc)

Eduardo Nieto, director general EDP Renewables România

Sebastian Enache, business development manager la Monsson-PLC

Lauru Bădiţă, country manager, Photon Energy

Iuliana Pănescu, head of treasury, Premier Energy

Mădălina Fildan-Răileanu, senior associate PeliPartners

Cătălin Stancu, associated senior expert, Horvath & Partners

12:30-13:30 The rise of the nuclear power debate: How will the next decade reshape the role of nuclear energy?

Rafael Mariano Grossi, director general International Atomic Energy Agency (tbc)

William MAGWOOD, Director-General Nuclear Energy Agency

Cosmin Ghita, general manager Nuclearelectrica

John Hopkins, CEO NuScale

Cantemir Marian CIUREA-ERCĂU, president CNCAN (tbc)


13:30-14:30 The gas debate: Can gas still be the energy transition fuel when the historic prices led to the energy crisis?

Aristotel Jude, general manager Romgaz (tbc)

Vasile Carstea, general manager Depogaz

Ion Sterian, general manager Transgaz (tbc)

Sorin Calin Gal, presedinte ANRM (tbc)

14:30 Closing remarks


Day 3, Thursday, 24th February

Innovators and game changers: Which are the megatrends reshaping the energy scene?

*The agenda is built on the Eastern European Time (UTC/GMT+2)

9:15-9:30 Opening speech from the hosts Cristian Hostiuc, editor in chief Ziarul Financiar, Roxana Petrescu, senior editor Ziarul Financiar

09:30-10:00 One on one with Frans Timmermans, Executive Vice President for Green Deal, European Commission (online)

After the kick-start of the energy transition movement, EU is struggling with record high energy and gas prices and a lack of supply. What triggered this, how long will it last and what needs to do done for everyone to reach the finish line of the carbon neutrality objective?

10:00-11:00 The industrial decarbonisation debate: Which are the projects leading the industry into a new business model

Antoine Kohler, Executive SIMEC Power Solutions GFG Alliance (Liberty Steel Group)

Andrei Ivan, Projects Director, Skanska

Stefan Vuza, president Chimcomplex

Harri Kiiski, general manager Azomures

Beimbet Shayakhmetov, CEO The Rompetrol Group (tbc)

11:00-12:00 The H2 debate: Is hydrogen really a game changer? Which are the obstacles and the opportunities?

Iordache Ioan, executive director, Romanian Association for Hydrogen Energy

Mirela Atanasiu, Head of Unit Operations and Communications, Clean Hydrogen Partnership

Alexandru Floriştean, hydrogen expert

Liviu Vancea, Purchasing Director, Saint-Gobain România

Tudor Prisecaru, prorector Universitatea Politehnica Bucureşti (tbc)


12:00-13:00 The new power system debate: How will prosumers and other forms of energy consumption disrupt conventional energy systems?

Lóránd-Árpád FÜLÖP, president Environment Fund Administration

Daniel Ortiz, general manager Enel X Romania

Răzvan Copoiu, general manager al Signify România & District South Eastern Europe

Claudiu Butacu, founder EFdeN


13:00 – 13:30 Closing remarks with Mariana Gheorghe, member of the supervisory board, ING Group and former CEO of OMV Petrom (tbc)