ZF English

Insurance still just a market “with potential” until healthcare reform

Autor: Ana Raduta

15.05.2011, 23:44 69

Private health insurance has beenthe stake with the highest growth potential for insurers for manyyears. No matter how much they have strived to promote them inrecent years and no matter how much confidence Romanians still havein the public healthcare system, insurers holding health policiesin their portfolio have not managed to penetrate the Romanianmarket and set up a consolidated base of insured people.

According to the InsuranceSupervision Commission (CSA) data, in 2010 the volume of healthinsurance gross premiums underwritten reached RON24.9 million, lessthan 1% in total general insurance. Moreover, underwritten premiumsdropped by 15.04% from 2009.

The explanation is simple:although almost 9 in 10 Romanians state they do not trust thepublic healthcare system, an equal number say they cannot affordpaying for private health insurance, reads BUSINESS Magazinmagazine.

In the opinion of TheodorAlexandrescu, general manager of Alico Asigurări România, themarket of private health insurance will witness solid growth onlyonce reform in the health insurance system has been launched.Besides this reform, economic rebound and the rising purchasingpower will be equally strong arguments for Romanians to earmarkpart of the money they earn every month in this direction. Analternative to health insurance are subscriptions with privateclinics, which make up a much more solid market and are causinginsurers headaches.