ZF English

Dramatic situation for the Stock Exchange

29.06.2006, 20:32 5

Petru Prunea, chairman of the financial brokerage company Broker Cluj, and a member of the managing committee of the Stock Exchange, believes that the situation of the capital market has become dramatic, and the future of the Stock Exchange - uncertain, after political and decisional instability, especially in the fiscal field, triggered the "current crisis" of the Stock Exchange. The Stock Exchange has seen a steep decline in the last few months, which completely annulled the gains made by investors this year. The BET reference index lost 2.25%, while the BET-FI which monitors the development of the SIFs (Financial Investment Companies), some of the most liquid shares on the market, dropped by 30%. Prunea has sent an open letter to Parliament, the Government and to the National Securities Commission, saying that the current situation of the Stock Market bears a "striking resemblance to that of those companies bought from the Romanian state only so that their market can be taken over".