ZF English

People equally trust Iliescu and Nastase

19.11.2002, 00:00 7

President Ion Iliescu and PM Adrian Nastase are equal when it comes to the people's trust in political personalities, as both of them scored 44 percent of the total answers showing "much and very much confidence", according to a Public Opinion Barometer released by the Foundation for an Open Society yesterday. The barometer was conducted by Metro Media Transilvania (MMT) throughout October 10 - 22 and canvassed 2,212 people, with an error margin of plus/minus 2-3 percent.
More than half of the respondents, 53 percent, show they have "little and very little confidence" in Ion Iliescu, while 50 percent answered the same in Adrian Nastase's case. 
As regards trust, Traian Basescu registered 39 percent "much and very much confidence", while Theodor Stolojan registered 38 percent. Corneliu Vadim Tudor got 22 percent of "much and very much confidence" and 71 percent "little and very little confidence."
Asked for whom they would vote, if presidential elections were to be held next Sunday, 32 percent said they would vote for Ion Iliescu, who may not seek reelection according to the Constitution, while 20 percent voted for Adrian Nastase. Corneliu Vadim Tudor ranks next with 17 percent, followed by Theodor Stolojan with 15 percent and Traian Basescu with 12 percent. Out of the total respondents, 35 percent have yet to make up their minds, whilst eight percent say they would not vote.
More than half of those canvassed (57 percent) know Ion Iliescu may not seek a new term, according to the Constitution. Inquired how they argued their option under the circumstances, 20 percent said "there is no one better now," while 23 percent feel "he is a good leader and has done a good job." At the same time 11 percent think "he is a good man," 8 percent feel "he is a good politician" and 7 percent say, "he is a fair, honest man."
Considering Ion Iliescu not running for a new term, the votes for president would go to Adrian Nastase - 37 percent, Corneliu Vadim Tudor - 22 percent, Theodor Stolojan - 20 percent and Traian Basescu - 15 percent. Still, 41 percent of those canvassed say they have not made up their minds yet, while eight percent say they would not vote.
PSD (Social Democrat Party) would get 53 percent were parliamentary elections to be held next Sunday, followed by PRM (Greater Romania Party) - 19 percent, PNL (National Liberal Party) - 12 percent, PD (Democrat Party) 10 percent, UDMR (Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania) - 4 percent, PUR (Humanist Romanian Party) - 1 percent and PNtCD (Peasants' Party) - 1 percent.
If comparing this barometer with the previous one conducted in June 2002, PSD fell two percent, as did PD. On the other hand, PNL shows a major gain (from five percent in June to 12 percent in October) and PRM (from 17 percent to 19 percent).
For the first time in Romania, this barometer also outlines that the voting intent would be below the legal threshold of 50 percent.