ZF English

Ciorbea wants to push PN?CD up

07.08.2001, 00:00 9

Now that it is rid of "the older structures exponents that had insinuated their way in", according to Victor Ciorbea, PN?CD (Peasants' Party) aims to become shortly "the main opposition force," "retrieve" the party tradition, consolidate its "unity" and rediscover the "team spirit."

The secret ingredient expected to make it work is called Victor Ciorbea, sole candidate to the party leadership at the congress scheduled for August 14.

Ciorbea, currently the party's interim president, last weekend launched the motion he will present to the congress delegates. As he is alone in the race, next week's event shall provide no surprises as to the identity of the future president.

Meanwhile, District 2 Court of Law rejected the complaints that former PN?CD leaders Vasile Lupu and Calin Catalin Chirita had filed against the current interim president, asking to be "re-integrated" in their offices at the party headquarters that they were compelled to leave after being kicked out of PN?CD. The court refused to interfere in the party's intestine struggles.

There are no more obstacles standing in the way of the former premier. He had been promised the position of party leader by Ion Diaconescu, the then PN?CD president, in a last attempt to save the party unity, badly affected by intestine feuds.

The promise was not enough and Ciorbea left the party, causing the worst fracture within PN?CD. Back then, Ciorbea spoke against party peers that are now preparing to become his close collaborators. Constantin Dudu Ionescu is running for the position of secretary general.

The vice-president positions will be disputed by Remus Opris, Radu Sarbu, Ioan Muresan, Alexandru Herlea, Nicolae Noica, aerban Bubenek, Ion Caramitru, Gheorghe Ciuhandu, Cornelia Coroianu, Dorin Mihai, Teodor Morariu, Irinel Popescu and Gheorghe Valceanu.

Ciorbea is willing to forgive and forget because, he says, "PN?CD is a party of justice, not revenge."