ZF English

PNL wants Parliament to elect the President

03.09.2001, 00:00 11

The National Liberal Party (PNL) this week will submit to Parliament its proposals for amending the Constitution, considering that the fundamental Law should be revised by mid 2002, PNL deputy president Andrei Chiliman told a press conference.

The Liberals want the president to hold only the role of "symbol of the state and nation" and to be elected by Parliament starting with 2004. Thus, the head of state would hold no responsibilities in relation with Parliament or the legislative process, while all the decrees issued by the President would be underwritten by the Premier, except for the decree designating the candidate for the position of Prime Minister.

The state's fundamental law should also establish the President's penal and corruption responsibility, the impeachment in case of a trial, the referendum validity irrespective of the number of voters and the dismissal by majority of votes.

The Liberal leader says his party supports the introduction in the Constitution of the mixed vote for Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, which should hold separate responsibilities. Furthermore, PNL says that parliamentary immunity should be valid only for the actions performed during the political mandate and only during parliamentary sessions, while the Government should be granted the right to set the agenda of the two Chambers.