ZF English

Hochland wants to catch European cheese train

12.03.2001, 00:00 9

Hochland Romania, a subsidiary of the international dairy manufacturer Hochland, posted DM 25 million in turnover last year, against DM 12 million in 1999, Sergiu Mititelu, Hochland Romania Marketing and Sales Manager told Ziarul Financiar.

The company intends to exceed DM 30 million in turnover this year, as the demand for cheese is estimated to increase due to recent diseases of cows and pigs.

"The raw material prices in 2000 rose 10-30% in the whole Europe compared to 1999, which affected Romania, too.

The prices of our products went up 26% last year, while the inflation rate was 41%. The gap was supported by the profit, which was not too high," Mititelu said.