ZF English

Negritoiu, ING: Banks are weakening the Stock Exchange

07.08.2008, 20:59 9

Banks dominate the financial market, distort it, and have a major contribution to the state of the Stock Exchange by weakening it through the pressure they exert on costs of corporate funding, according to Misu Negritoiu, general manager of ING Bank Romania. "The capital market is stifled by banks' dominating behaviour, as they seek to increase their exposure on clients. It would even be advantageous to the banks to redistribute some of the funding risks to the capital market or to investment funds. In fact, it is worrying that the entire corporate funding has come to rest on the banks' shoulders because, if something bad happens in the economy, the banks will be the ones that are hit, whilst on Western markets, risks are shared by financial market segments," says Negritoiu.